Sunday, June 15, 2008

you cut me open and i keep

"When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn." -Harriet Beecher Stowe-

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I love it when you are at the epitimy of sorrow and God reminds you that He loves you so much- and gets you out of that hole....

I am loving the simple gifts right now- being very optimistic and always smiling and thanking Jesus for each and every day....

That thunder this morning was absolutely sound i could've ever woken up to....Jesus was growling at me- reminding me to get up for startled me, then i smiled...and hurried to the shower....So i was a little late, but He continually showed me His love by turning all of the lights green on main St. ....ahhh Jesus! = LOVE : D

- every tear i cried, He held in His hands, He never left my side.......(translation from Casting Crowns..."praise you in this storm")

I pray for all of us to be optimists, to wake up with a heavy heart for Jesus. Look out into the glorious sky and remember who created it.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Remember when...

remember when i cried for the 78'th time about the same thing?

remember when you feel like being a hero, or a villian even, and everything is pre-planned and will go right, but- it doesn't?

remember when you try so hard not to let your feelings show but you feel like the other person enjoys seeing you so sad and relinquished within your pitiful emotions about them?

remember when you thought those regrets would never surface again? well, they did. and they still do. and they always- always, will.

basically, our lives are spent thinking about things we wish we could be doing, instead of actually doing them- ever. Our lives are spent knowing how we feel, and knowing how the other person feels, but never actually commiting to those feelings, either way.

remember when i'll read this in approximately...3.7 years and still remember why i wrote it? yea.....